Aggregate 100 GB using PowerQuery and DuckDB

Maybe not known enough, but you can run a python script inside PowerQuery in the desktop, and deploy it to PowerBI service using a personal gateway.

it is just a POC that showcase you can do a lot; just using a decent laptop and python.

let’s say, you have a folder with 100 GB of parquet files, and you want to aggregate some results for further analysis in PowerBI, Obviously importing 100 GB maybe not be a great idea, in this scenario, from what I can see, people recommend stuff Like PySpark or Dask , which I guess are great option, but if you want a lightweight option with a simple pip install then DuckDB is amazing !!

For testing, first write your SQL Query using only 1 parquet file, when you are happy with the results, change the path from “folder/x.parquet” to “folder/*.parquet”

In this example I have a folder of 100 GB of Parquet files.

in PowerQuery you need just to insert a python script, you don’t need to know anything about python, it is just a standard SQL Query, PowerQuery is smart enough to know that df is a dataframe, and it will show the result in the next step.

import duckdb 
con = duckdb.connect()
df =con.execute('''
select  L_RETURNFLAG,L_LINESTATUS,count(*) from
        group by 1,2

And here is the final results.

The duration will depend mainly on your CPU and SSD speed, DuckDB consume little memory, in that example less than 2 GB, the secret sauce is parallel scan of Parquet files.

Traditionally Big Data means; Data that don’t fit into RAM, nowadays, Big Data is how much Data can fit in your SSD, and that’s a welcome change.

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