Advance Geospatial analysis using location Parameter with Streamlit

This blog is a POC of something that I always wanted to have in a BI tool, and I tried Tableau, PowerBI and Data Studio, without success ( not interested in adding an invisible grid as a hack), The idea is extremely simple yet very powerful, retrieve data when you click on a map, you may think it should simple, it seems BI tool are good at retrieving data based on filter, but it is very hard to push a parameter from a map back to a source data.

Traditionally, if you want to have this kind of interactivity, you need to write code, to be honest the idea of writing javascript and learning how to deploy a web server was not very interesting for me, but luckily we have a new Option in Streamlit

Streamlit is a code first, web app platform using only Python, web page are generated behind the scene, and there are a lot of component where you need to write a minimum of code, and deployment is absolutely trivial using Streamlit Cloud, and because it is open source, you can deploy using alternative approach like Cloud Run, or Azure

I came across this component Streamlit-Folium recently, and it is magnificent work, when you click on a map, it does provide variable back on the last location clicked zoom, bounds etc, all for free, no code required !!!!

All I have done is copied the code from the source and built a SQL Query that take the last clicked item filter all the “cafe” in a radius of 500 m, the SQL Code is copied from this previous Blog

The Source Data is nearly half a Million, as you can imagine plotting a massive dataset just to see a small portion is a waste of computer resources.

here is the final results

Here an example of a SQL Query generated.

State management

I added the code here, again it was too easy to write as I nearly copied everything from the component sample code, the tricky part was how to update the value of a variable which was already declared, Streamlit has a brilliant solution using State Management, the solution is very simple

Assign a default value when the Streamlit run for the first time

if 'key' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.key = '( 153.024198,-27.467276)'
    st.session_state.key1 = [-27.467276, 153.024198]
    st.session_state.key2 = 16
point_clicked = st.session_state.key
location_ini  = st.session_state.key1
zoom_Start    = st.session_state.key2 

Update the values when a user click on the map, the next run in the same session will use those new values

 st.session_state.key = point_clicked
       st.session_state.key1 = location_ini
       st.session_state.key2 = map_data['zoom']

Currently I don’t know how to stop Streamlit from redrawing the map, as I am only interested in updating the markers.


it works with Any Database as long as it has a minimum support for GIS functions, Currently I used bigQuery BI Engine as I am familiar with it and to speak freely :), it is very cheap for this kind of workload, small Data and potentially a lot of concurrency 🙂

I tried PowerBI Datamart but it seems Python access is blocked , DuckDB don’t support GIS functions yet, I am sure you can reproduce the results using only SQL, but I did not bother.


Take Away

I think there is a third way between no code and only Code, Streamlit managed to create a new category, maybe simple code 🙂 having said that BI Vendor should up their games, Location Parameter should not be that hard to implement.

Delta lake with Python, Local Storage and DuckDB

TL;DR : I added a streamlit app here

a new experimental support for Writing Delta storage format using only Python was added recently and I thought it is a nice opportunity to play with it.

Apache Spark had a native support since day one, but personally the volume of data I deal with does not justify running Spark, hence the excitement when I learned we can finally just use Python.

instead of another hot take on how Delta Works, I just built a Python Notebook, that download files from a web site ( Australian Energy Market), create a delta table, then I use DuckDB and vega lite to show a chart, all you need to do is to define the Location of the Delta Table, I thought it maybe a useful example, all the code are located here

And I added a PowerBI report using the delta Connector

Some Observations

Currently DuckDB don’t support Delta natively, instead we first read the Delta table using pyarrow which DuckDB can read automatically, at this stage, I am not sure if DuckDB can push down filter selection or read the stats saved in the Log file, and currently, it seems only AWS S3 is supported.